Privacy Policy

Satoyume Corporation has been certified by the Japan Information Processing Development Corporation (JIPDEC) to be granted the Privacy Mark, which is granted to businesses that handle personal information in an appropriate manner.

Satoyume Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") is mainly engaged in companion consulting and total coordination of people, goods, and services for the creation of sustainable communities, as well as a variety of related services.
In order to properly handle all personal information used for the Company's business, the Company will implement and maintain the following Privacy Policy to ensure that trust is given first priority, that laws and other regulations regarding personal information protection are observed, and that personal information is used and managed appropriately.

Basic Stance
In order to implement this policy, we recognize the importance of personal information, and we will maintain and improve the proper handling of personal information by ensuring that all of our employees (directors, employees, contract employees, temporary employees, etc.), contractors, and other related parties are familiar with laws, regulations, and internal rules concerning the protection of personal information. We will maintain and improve the proper handling of personal information.
Proper Management
  1. We will endeavor to keep personal information accurate and up-to-date to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
  2. The Company shall implement appropriate security control measures and take necessary corrective actions to prevent the loss, leakage, destruction, falsification, etc. of personal information.
  3. When outsourcing the handling of personal information, we will appropriately supervise our contractors to ensure the safe management of personal information.
Specifying the Purpose of Use, etc.
When obtaining personal information, we will do so by legal and fair means, and will clearly state the purpose of use of personal information and other necessary matters at the time of acquisition, or notify or publicly announce the purpose of use of personal information.
Compliance with Purposes of Use
  1. We will use personal information within the scope of the purposes of use.
  2. We will acquire, use, and provide personal information in an appropriate manner, taking into consideration the nature and scale of our business. This includes not handling personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purposes of use and taking measures to that end.
  3. If we intend to use personal information beyond the scope of the purpose of use, we will notify the individual to that effect in advance, and obtain his/her consent before using the personal information.
Disclosure and Correction of Personal Information
We will promptly respond to requests for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc. of personal information in our possession within a reasonable scope after confirming the identity of the individual.
Complaints and Consultation
We will respond appropriately and promptly to complaints and consultations regarding personal information.
Consultation and Complaints Concerning Handling of Personal Information

Please contact the following for consultations and complaints regarding our handling of personal information.

  • Satoyume Corporation Complaints and Inquiries Person in Charge: Shumpei Shimada
  • 801 Villa Apex Ichigaya, 3-4-5 Kudan-Minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0074, Japan
  • Tel: 03-5275-5105 (weekdays from 10:00 to 18:00)

Shumpei Shimada, Representative Director Satoyume Co.

Date of Enactment: August 20, 2013 (Heisei 25)

Date of Revision: April 1, 2022 (Reiwa 4)