”Hidden Japan”(世界からあまり知られていない日本の魅力)を、全国のキラリと光る町や村でお仕事をさせて頂いている「さとゆめ」のネットワークを活かして発掘、編集して、世界に発信していく”Hidden Japan”プロジェクト。

昨年から “Hidden Japan Tour”と題して、海外の旅行会社やメディア、インフルエンサーを招聘したモニターツアーを自治体等から依頼を受けて催行しています。今年度第一弾は、さとゆめのルーツの地、長野県信濃町を中心に、長野県内を4泊5日で回るツアーを、8月27日~31日に開催しました。
今回のツアーには、世界160ヵ国の4万以上の体験型観光の商品を扱う予約プラットフォームであるAdventurelinkのCEO Kelly Tompkinsさん、タイの3つの旅行会社、PARAMOUNT TRVEL SERVICE CEO Pitsamai Tansakulさん、Sweet land Phuket CEO Rotsakorn Thungvinitさん、J-Travel CEO Jarucha Chankaewさん、大手保険会社
Khungthai-axa InsuranceのManager Jutamat Rveangphaibulさんなど、錚々たる方々に参加して頂きました。



”Hidden Japan”プロジェクトは、まだ始まったばかりですが、参加者の方々から、日本の農山村の風景や暮らし、自然の魅力に驚き、感動の声を聞き、このプロジェクトの意義を再確認させて頂いた次第です。これから、多くの地域の方々と”Hidden Japan Tour”を企画・開催していきますので、ご関心をお持ちの方はぜひお声がけください。

Satoyume began the new project called “Hidden Japan ” to bring the world to our beautiful little towns and villages to discover the charms of the Japan they do not know.
Starting last year, we began to invite overseas travel agencies, media, and representatives to our “Hidden Japan Tour” events. Our first event this year was a tour (5 days and 4 nights, from August 27-31) through the rustic charms of the heart of Nagano Prefecture.
Many distinguished participants participated in this tour, including Mr. Kelly Tompkins, CEO of Adventurelink, whose company sells more than 40,000 tourist experience products in 160 countries. Representatives of three Thai travel companies — Ms. Pitsamai Tansakul, CEO of PARAMOUNT TRAVEL SERVICE; Ms. Rotsakorn Thungvinit, CEO of Sweet land Phuket; and Ms. Jarucha Chankaew, CEO of J-Travel — also attended, along with Ms. Jutamat Rveangphaibul, Khungthai-axa Insurance Manager.
While the tour took in well known sites such as Kirigamine and Zenkoji, the main focus was on experiencing Nagano’s nature and local culture to the fullest. Along with a trip to a sake brewery, participants had the opportunity to enjoy making soba (buckwheat noodle) and visited the site where famous Shinshu reaping sickles are made. They also ventured into nature with a guided walk through the forest (led by a “healing forest guide”), an SUP experience at Lake Nojiri, and a chance to cycle across picturesque rural landscapes.
Participants also presentations to the people of Suwa city government, Nagano Tourism Organization and Shinano town government. Proposals for collaboration were explained, setting in motion the groundwork for concrete business plans and future cooperation. The locals were also treated to some fine Thai cuisine.
While “Hidden Japan” has only just begun, participants have provided plenty of crucial feedback reconfirming the significance of this project. They have responded with surprise to the natural beauty of the Japanese countryside and praised the insight they have gained into rural Japanese life.
To those of who participated in the tour, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for fitting our tour into your busy schedules. With your help and cooperation, we can make the future of “Hidden Japan” bright.